A Year Of Being Intentional
2018 A year of being intentional. Now what do I mean by that? I have been at the mercy of outside forces for most of my life. I found myself reacting to what was happening all around me instead of actually creating exactly what I wanted. I had no idea there was any...
London Adventure 2017
This trip to London was rather incredible. I didn’t know what to expect. I knew I had some things planned, but you know how it is when you plan something! Expect the unexpected! Good thing I had that attitude because many things changed at the last minute, and...
Thanksgiving Steps
I have a very co dependent relationship with Thanksgiving. On the surface of it, what’s not to love about it? 4 days off? All the food you can eat all weekend? Shopping? Family & friends? Kicking off the holiday season with good cheer and a thankful attitude....
How Do You Want To Feel?
It’s that time of year when we are inundated with the topic of setting goals, which means we have to remember the goals we set last year. I have a hard time remembering exactly what my goals were much less if I achieved them. I know that there are all kinds of systems...