Our 6 weeks in the Philippines was both too short and long enough.
We did have time to experience many incredible things, and see a few islands. We were able to have an authentic experience on a small island without tourist amenities and crowds. Working here is now very possible with Starlink connectivity to the world.

As I write this we are still here. When you read this we will have moved on to Australia. The weather here is turning too hot for non air-conditioned living! Well at least not if you want to get much done. It’s too hot to even think. The humans and the electronics need a change of climate. I love it here and hope to come back!
The people here have been incredibly welcoming and kind. Folks are just naturally friendly. The kids cheer you on, wave hello with warm, open smiles, and will give hugs enthusiastically.
At first I was surprised all the time, but I quickly just appreciated and reciprocated!
Glenn and I have been so happy and amazed by how clean and clear the ocean is here. The coral reefs are huge and colorful. So much ocean life! Wow. And the water is warm and welcoming, almost too warm for the heat of the day.
And yes, the global crisis of the heating up of the oceans is a terrible reality. Heartbreaking.
I am so grateful for being able to travel and the friends it’s given me. I met Michelle in India. She invited us to Siargao Island. I don’t think we would have discovered this place if she hadn’t! We rented her house for our month-long stay. Along with having the opportunity of deepening my friendship with this incredible woman, we met her friends, who greeted and accepted us into their midsts. We got into a social network!

This means we saw people out and about, ate meals together, went to the beach or a swim spot, and felt accepted into a community. That wouldn’t have happened without Michelle. And that is how this traveling life works. We meet people and chat and learn about each other and other places. Sometimes it becomes a real friendship which grows. And that’s what we have with Michelle and her partner Darren.
Michelle runs several programs, NGOs (Non governmental Organizations) which provides classes on nutrition for children and mothers, Childcare and prenatal nutrition, and more. She also runs a restaurant, and a school lunch program! This woman is motivated!

She invited me to do a talk at a Mother’s Day program. It was a super sweet event held in a meeting venue in a bigger town on the island. We have over 100 moms, plus children and volunteers and some local government officials all there to celebrate mothers. I had asked my mom friends on Facebook for the advice they would share to new and expecting mothers. With my translator, we shared some funny (and all very helpful) tips from other moms all over the world.
I gotta tell you I am so humbled to be able to do some of the things I get to do!