December 7-20th, 2022
Enjoy an incredible 14 days and 13 nights in Africa!

This high-end luxury experience requires a deposit of $7,000.


Step 1: Fill out the form, answering the questions so I can get to know you a bit. If you are coming with someone, please have them fill out their own form. Thank you!


Step 2: I’ll send you my calendar and you can pick a time to talk with us, and decide if this Quest is right for you.


Step 3: Once accepted, you get the chance to choose how you want to pay!




All events and excursions are subject to weather conditions and each vendor’s safety policies. Cancellations and switching of schedules may happen.

Full Name *

City *

State or Country *

Email *

Phone *

Age *

Do you have any special needs?

Do you smoke?

Can you walk comfortably for 1 hour?

Do you get travel sick or suffer from motion sickness?

What else, if anything, would you like me to know?

How did you hear about me and this Quest? Were you referred by anyone?

Are you traveling on the Quest with someone? Do you want to room together? Share their name here:
(I need everyone to fill out their own application please.)

Please attach a recent photo.

I'd love a link to your Facebook page if you don't mind!

In travel experiences anything can happen. While we strive to provide an excellent experience, we may need to be flexible. Certain things are not within my control, such as Mother Nature! We will do everything to create a beautiful, fun and positive experience. Keep that adventurous spirit and who knows what marvels will be presented?

After you apply, I’ll be in touch by email and we’ll plan our Skype or Zoom chat!

Let’s talk!

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